When considering the marketing mix for a brand, you really can’t afford to leave out any of the tried and tested traditional advertising methods, and that includes signage. In fact, while signs may seem to be one of the most humble ways to advertise a brand, there are actually many positive benefits that may not be immediately obvious. In this article we’ll take a look at just five of the most important advantages that a good display sign campaign can provide to your business.…
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Marketing is never a simple task. There is always a lot of trial and error involved, and you’ll sometimes miss more often than you hit. The good part is that every hit you get more than makes up for all the misses. What you’re actually doing with each and every marketing effort is speculating on the public reaction to whatever it is that you’ve created.…
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FirstLight Logo Redesign
A brand revamp for one of our favourite clients (are we allowed say that or “is that racist Ted?”). Upper Case were recently tasked with a redesign of the logo for FirstLight. The brief included the addition of a flower with a missing petal and a flame of light similar to the previous logo design.
Introducing a new colour palette and logo icon helped to add new vibrancy and a softer feel to the existing identity and the existing concept, without necessitating a complete redesign.…
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CLIC Logo Design – Downing Commercial
Upper Case were recently tasked with developing a suite of marketing materials for our client, Downing Commercial to help them launch a 9 million euro property portfolio. The Cork Limerick Investment Collection (CLIC) project comprised logo and branding design, sales brochure/portfolio, online brochure design and a series of national press adverts.
The logo design that was created is a simple design with the aim to make a strong impression in the property market.…
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Tervas Gas Logo Design
Tervas Gas are a nationwide provider of bulk & bottled LPG gas to both the business and domestic sectors. Recently we were tasked to create a new brand identity for the company, along with a supporting logo tagline. Once this was completed it was on to the responsive website and printed materials.
Brand Identity
Tervas Gas has a new clean logo design, typical of Upper Case’s design ethos.…
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Why You Should Use Promotional Products in 2016
If you’re looking to get your brand noticed, promotional products offer a unique opportunity to place your company’s name right in front of your target market. They not only increase brand awareness, but they have the potential to increase your chances of making those all important sales and, far from being an unnecessary expense, you’ll find that they’re a cost effective way to promote your business.…
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One common problem that all business owners must resolve is how to best stand out amongst the competition and increase customer loyalty and purchases. The solution is to develop a unique corporate identity that includes a branding strategy that expresses the essence and intent of one’s business. This identity must be powerful enough to cut through the noise and make a lasting impression upon potential customers.…
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Business theory is based on the the idea of creating wants and needs. Creative design is a fundamental part of this in that it creates an image for this need. Great designers understand consumers and their needs, aspirations and emotions.
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it
We at Upper Case think that it’s both! Design is all about communication.…
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Whatever the reason for your re-brand, there are several advantageous marketing opportunities that will evolve your brand so that you can stay relevant in an ever-changing marketplace. As you’re probably aware, any re-branding scenario will require a detailed analysis of the current marketplace and how best to re-enter it. There are several common strategies that every re-brand should consider as well as several easy to avoid pitfalls that you will likely run into.…
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Nowadays, the reality is that almost anyone with an Internet capable device could label himself or herself a graphic designer. It’s pretty easy to draw something up, be it a logo, a wire frame or a cartoon drawing of your own face.
Producing something high quality, however, is much more difficult. When it comes to your business, you really do need to put your best foot forward for your customers’ first impression of you, and that means effective branding.…
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