Personalised Newsletters

Personalised Newsletters Made Easy…
Move over generic company newsletters that no-one reads! The personalised newletters that Upper Case can professionally produce for your business can tailor content for each of your individual staff, departments, customers, suppliers or even the general public in different postcodes. How is that for a personal service?
Unlike its brother, the email newsletter, the printed, personalised newsletter can’t be put in a spam folder, deleted or easily ignored. Quite the opposite, in fact. Over 80% of B2B personalised newsletters are opened and read. That’s pretty impressive when you think that most companies struggle to achieve a 20-30% open rate for their email versions. The power of the database allows Upper Case to print fully personalised newsletters, reports and bulletins for your clients. If you have different customer categories, we can print several versions at once using our personalisation software. That way your message can be tailored to suit your customers’ demographics or your business messages.
According to surveys, the No.1 reason why businesses lose customers is simply that their customers forget about them!! New customers are hard to come by and maintaining contact, while difficult, is critical in helping to grow relationships.
Along with our state of the art printing, we also offer a dedicated graphic design service for all manner of personalised newsletters. Our 10 years of experience in the area means that your project will be managed flawlessly and seamlessly from design and database processing to print, delivery or distribution. Don’t have a database? Don’t worry! We can help to source one for you.
Through appealing design, correct content structure and attention to every last detail, we’ll ensure that your newsletters make a lasting impression. Furthermore, whether it’s being sent online or by post, you can have each one individually personalised with your client/contact details – it really is that simple!
See our project portfolio here.