10 Essential Graphic Design Portfolio Tips

Due to the increasing demand for great graphic designers, there are a growing number of people who are inclined to try their luck in this budding profession.
What can you do to maintain a steady stream of clients who are eager to work with you? The key is to create an effective portfolio that does not only showcase what you can do, but also provide your clients with a glimpse of who you are as an artist. The following are ten essential tips to pay attention to when creating your portfolio.
1. Feature only the best of your projects
It is tempting to have a portfolio that is filled with dozens of samples of your work. Remember that portfolios should make you memorable and putting too many projects on your page will make you harder to remember. A good rule to follow is to include a maximum of 8-10 projects in your portfolio.
2. Customise your portfolio for different clients
Considering their different needs, no single collection of your work can possibly please all clients. A CEO of a tech company might need a different presentation of your skills from what an advertising executive of a popular clothing company might need to see from you. Be flexible in what you intend to show different clients.
3. Show self initiated work
You do not need to be officially hired by a certain company to do design work for them. Sometimes clients just want to see what you can do and how creative you are. Flex your creative genius by showing clients your ability to represent brands very well through your design work.
4. Decide what kind of designing you want to do
Showcasing a consistent and specific line of graphic work will make your portfolio much more cohesive and engaging. Be intentional with your project selection and capitalise on that when the time comes to create a portfolio.
5. Choose the best format for your portfolio
Many graphic designers opt to have their portfolios on PDF formats while others choose to have theirs printed. Just remember that some clients will prefer to physically touch your work samples. If printing your portfolio enhances your client’s experience with you and your designing abilities then print it out.
6. Go for an online portfolio
By having an online portfolio that follows your designing brand you can expand your client base and consequently enrich your portfolio in the process.
7. Let your work speak to your clients
It is tempting to describe your work extensively and put too much effort into enhancing the presentation of your portfolio, but remember that the key element here is the work that you are trying to showcase. It should speak for itself so simplify the overall look of your portfolio to make your work shine through.
8. Leave prospective clients wanting more
Make sure that your portfolio features the best of your work. Start a page with amazing samples and end it with unforgettable ones. This will arouse the interest of your clients and they will end up wanting to know more about you and what you can do for them.
9. Do not forget your intro page
If you choose to go directly to the presentation of your projects your clients might miss seeing what you represent and what your artistic goals are. This can seriously affect the effectiveness of your portfolio.
10. Be sure your portfolio has a good background story
An impressive portfolio would be a complete let down if it were missing interesting background stories. When you meet with clients, be sure to talk expansively about your featured projects, as this will further enhance your prospects of securing the project.