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Irish Print Awards

Design smarter Direct Mail


In this age of media clutter, smarter direct mail is still the most efficient way to get up close and personal with your past, present and future customers. The cornerstone of reaching out and touching someone lies in effective graphic design linked to a dynamic, persuasive offer. Here are some design tips to help you create a strong foundation for your next direct mail campaign:

Know your objective – even if an active response is not required, be honest and direct about what you are trying to accomplish. If a reply is desired, pinpoint the exact action you want the reader to take, build your response device first then coordinate other media around it. Keep your wording clear, concise and user friendly. Follow the time-tested formula AIDA:

  2. Arouse INTEREST
  3. Stimulate DESIRE
  4. Call for ACTION

Whatever your objective, don’t forget to ask for action, whether it’s simply to fill out and mail a reply card or to consider a new product or service.

Once you’ve determined the desired results of your campaign, take advantage of the many features of direct mail that other media can’t match. Direct mail is a purely physical presentation, utilising a myriad of visual and tactile senses to reach the reader. For example, direct mail is the only method for introducing powerful attention getters in the form of novelties like cut-outs, pop-ups, odd shapes and patterns or actual samples of your product. Direct mail also offers total flexibility in production, with no limitations on space or format, use of colour etc.

The next best thing to personal contact, direct mail is the most effective medium for conducting test marketing or research on your potential customers. When co-ordinated with direct email and/or telesales, direct mail can be a powerful influence on your marketing efforts.

Through the use of action devices like business reply cards, postage-paid envelopes, coupons or surveys, direct mail can stimulate sales, increase your customer base, provide valuable information, generate sales leads and a host of other benefits.

Remember that direct mail advertising is still the only way to pinpoint and individually reach your market. Make the most of its ability to deliver a mass audience message in a way that feels absolutely personal and confidential